Discard items you don’t want or need and get a tax deduction in the process. Although storing away old clothes in boxes and hiding them in the basement or the attic is always an option, getting rid of them in the first place is much easier. Sorting through all of your clothes and separating them into new and unwanted clothes can simplify the de-cluttering process by helping you quickly decide which clothes should stay and which ones are good to go. As an additional benefit, you can claim tax benefits when you de-clutter your closet. Donating your clothes to charities not only maximizes your closet space but benefits you when tax season comes around.

Stay organized to prevent clutter from accumulating in your closet. We often buy more clothes than we get rid of, and before we know it, our closet has become cluttered; making it difficult for us to quickly find what we’re looking for. To ensure your closet stays organized, it’s important to neatly categorize similar clothing items together (e.g., pants, tops, dresses). Another helpful strategy is to use organizing tools which can maximize your closet space.

Open up space for the things that you need, want, and use by getting rid of old belongings. Out with the old, in with the new. Many of us hold on to old clothing items in the hopes that they may come in handy someday. The same goes with clothes that no longer fit. Some people hold on to these items thinking that one day the clothes will once again fit. If your clothing items are too big or small on you and aren’t in great condition, it’s advised that you donate these items and make room for new clothes that you’ll enjoy wearing. Don’t let unused items take up space; take advantage of the room you have by keeping items you’ll actually use.


We have a list of charities to donate your specific items to. Donating clothes to charities help you get rid of unwanted clothes and also allows you to help those in need. Simply give us a call and we can help provide you with a list of charities that will accept your donations. You can do something positive for your community and your home at the same time.

We can facilitate donations by either dropping them off or scheduling a pick-up directly at your home. Not sure how the donation process works? We can help guide you through the process. Certain charities such as The Salvation Army will pick up donation items directly from your front door. We help make the donation process simple for you so you can focus on cleaning and maintaining an organized closet.

Call us at (310) 560-5060 to get help with de-cluttering your closet and don’t forget to like us on Facebook!