Many of us are guilty of holding on to personal possessions that merely take up space and add clutter. We often accumulate items which we are emotionally attached to and before we know it, our space is messy and cluttered. The fear of letting go of certain sentimental items may be too difficult for some people to bear. However, know that there’s help available and steps you can take in order to maximize your space and get over your uncluttering fears.

If you don’t need it, let it go. Taking the time to sort through your items can help you determine whether your sentimental possessions are truly worth keeping. People often hold on to these personal possessions because there’s an emotional attachment to them; whether a memory of a loved one or a past experience they want to hold on to. Although it may initially be difficult to let go of these items you have kept for so long, letting go will help you finally simplify your space and benefit from an organized lifestyle.

Make room in your life by getting rid of things you no longer need. Donating or tossing items you no longer need can allow you to declutter your space. By doing so, you can make room for new items that are useful and essential to your life. Best of all, you can finally find what you’re looking for with more ease without having to look through piles of mess.

Letting go of physical possessions is necessary at times. Take a moment and ask yourself if you really need the item, and if you don’t, then perhaps it’s time to let it go. Recognize that these personal possessions may be weighing you down and letting them go can free you from the attachment you’ve placed on them.


I can help people determine what to keep, what to toss, and what to donate. Sorting through all your items may be overwhelming and difficult at times. We can help you get started on your path to organizing and decluttering your space. Through years of experience, we have the expertise to help you categorize which items are important to keep and which ones are worth donating. Together we can work to eliminate the clutter in your home and help you simplify your life.

I can offer helpful advice on what to do with the items you want to keep. We can provide you with sound advice on how you can store your belongings so they that they don’t accumulate and become clutter in your home or office.

Call us at (310) 560-5060 to schedule a consultation so we can get started on eliminating the clutter in your life. For more tips on getting organized, like our Facebook page.