Turn off email and text alerts to avoid interruptions.
- Check your emails at scheduled times throughout the day. NOT ALL DAY!
- Limit social media time to 30 minutes per day, preferably after work.
- Don’t schedule an in person meeting when you can Skype or simply make a phone call.
- Combine meetings with breakfast, lunch or dinner.
- Record your favorite TV shows so you can skip commercials (15 minutes savings per 1 hour show.)
- Stop multi-tasking. Instead, practice time chunking–focus on a project for 30 minutes without interruption, then take a 5 minute break. Repeat as necessary.
- Getting a good night’s sleep will help you be more efficient.
- Check traffic on Google maps before hitting the road–if you see red, pick a different route.
- Adjust your commute time to off hours so you avoid sitting in traffic.