I do hope that you and yours are staying safe, healthy and practicing social distancing.

I wanted to write a newsletter about something relevant but didn’t want to send yet another newsletter about “The Virus”.  I guess I just need to address it, like everyone else, so here goes BUT, as it relates to organizing.

I’m sure by now everyone is antsy, stressed out and wondering how and when will we go back to work and back to our normal lives. Will we go back to the way things were? If not, what will the changes look like, feel like, be like? I’m guessing handshaking will be a thing of the past but will we continue to wear masks and gloves? If so, for how long? There’s so many questions and nobody really has the answers yet. Hopefully it won’t be much longer before we all find out.

One thing I do know, is that no matter what happens there will always be things to organize. That will not change. Like Covid-19 (see how I manged to sneak that in?), organizing is something that is universal. Organizing is something that everyone will do at one point or another in their life for some reason or another. Organizing is something we do either because we want to or need to and we do so throughout our lives.

At this point in time, all over the world, people are looking for things to do to keep busy while we’re at home social distancing. A large percentage of articles that I’m reading now suggest some form of organization as part of the recommended “To Do” list both personally and professionally, while we have the time.      

FYI, it’s also time for Spring Cleaning as well so you might as well do something, anything, to get organized or better organized as the case may be. Check that off your list!

So, I hope these basic rules of thumb will help you when you decide to organize whatever it is that you want to or need to get organized:

1.Before you start, make sure to have all of your supplies ready. Make sure to have a trash can nearby and a box for donations. While there are so many great organizing products on the market, I like to at least try to use items that I already have. For example, you can use a lazy-Susan to make it easier to reach items stored under the sink. Use baskets for larger items. Small boxes or tupperware containers are great for containing small things. Of course, bins are always a good option as well but, if you do need to buy them, make sure they’re clear so you can see the contents. 

2.The first step is “always” to empty everything out completely. Yes, completely.  Everything out! This is important as it allows you to see everything. It also provides the opportunity to wipe it down. 

3.Now go through everything and purge! Toss out all true trash: anything that is ripped, soiled stained, expired, missing a piece. Of course, anything that you no longer need or use can be donated if it’s in good enough condition.

4.The next step is to sort everything into categories. Keep like items together. All lotions together, all hair products together, all grooming supplies together, paper clips, post-it notes. You get the idea.

5.Utilize your organizing supplies (bins, small boxes, baskets, etc.) to contain the items that are similar.

6.Let the fun begin: The fun part, at least for me, is putting everything back in an organized way. Make sure the things you use the most are accessible. The other, less used items, can go up higher or perhaps somewhere else. Things should be organized in a way that makes sense to you. Everyone has a different way so do what works for you.

7.Wherever possible, label the bins or other containers so that staying organized is easy for you and anyone else in the house. Most people use labels for words, however, consider using photos for the little ones so they can help maintain the systems you put in place.

For those of you who are do-it-yourselfers, I am offering virtual organizing consultations or sessions, if you are so inclined.