How Organized Is Your Office?

Take this quiz and find out. This quiz will help you decide where you might need help and where you are already successful. For each statement, answer:

A=Always           B= Sometimes     C=Never


1.    I can find what I’m looking for. ___ 

2.    I open and deal with the mail daily. ___ 

3.    My bills get paid on time. ___

4.    I enjoy working in my office and I can work at my desk because it is clean and orderly. ___

5.    I use a calendar or reminder system. ___ 

6.    I get overwhelmed and distracted when I try to organize. ___

7.    It is easy for me to decide where things should be in my office. __

8.    It is easy for me to throw things away when I don’t need them any longer. ___


Mostly A’s: You are organized and efficient. (That said, I’ve never seen a space that I couldn’t make more efficient. Why not get a free telephone consultation just to make sure all is well.)

Mostly B’s: You are organized in some areas and could use some help in others. (You would benefit from some advice. The telephone consultation is free so what are you waiting for?)

Mostly C’s: You need help in most of the areas of your office. (You need us! Seriously! Call me now for your free telephone consultation.)


How Organized is Your Home?

Take this quiz to assess your need to get organized at home.


How do you feel when family and friends come to visit you?

·     Pretty good. I’m happy to have guests in any part of my home.

·     In order for them to sit down, I sometimes have to clear a chair of clutter.

·     I visit other people at their homes rather than let them see my mess.

Where would you find stamps if i asked you find them?

·     In my bill paying center, where I keep the checkbook, bills, envelopes, etc.

·     I know I bought some a few weeks ago…now where did I put them?

·     I have to run to the post office or gas station each time I need a stamp.

How do you feel about the amount of “stuff” you own?

·     I feel content. I get rid of anything that merely takes up time, space, money or energy without giving any benefit to me or my family.

·     I know I have clutter I don’t need or want and it sometimes makes me feel disorganized.

·     I have so much “stuff” that I can’t find what I need when I need it. Help!

 How long does it take you to find your keys?

·     I know right where they are . They go in the same place every day.

·     I throw them down as I come in the door and they get lost in a mound of clutter.

·     One day I spent an hour looking for my keys.

How do you handle paying bills?

·     I have a set spot for bills and I pay them twice a month.

·     I usually make a few trips around the house to locate stamps, bills, checkbook, etc.

·     I usually pay them when I receive the second or third “past due” notice.

Have you spent some time on yourself today?

·     Yes. I got up early, did some yoga, enjoyed a cup of tea or read the paper.

·     Not yet. But, maybe I’ll catch five minutes this evening to watch some television.

·     You must be joking! After I attend to everyone else in my family, I’m going to bed.

How many outfits in your closet do you wear regularly?

·     I wear most of what’s in my closet. If I haven’t worn it in a year, I give it away.

·     I have a lot of clothes that don’t fit, or are out of style. The closet is packed full!

·     I never use the closet. My clothes are in piles around the bedroom.

How do you feel at the end of the day?

·     Satisfied. I accomplished many things in an efficient manner.

·     I wasn’t as productive as I wanted. I hope I can catch up tomorrow.

·     What a waste of a day! Will I ever feel in control of my life again?


Ok…no cheating! Be honest with yourself. Start the New Year off the right way.

If you find you need some help getting “better” organized, call us.


If you or anyone you know needs help with Organizing, Downsizing, Relocations, Estate Sales or Clearing a Property, let them know that we’d love to be of service!