Spring Is In The Air

256px-Free_Colorful_Spring_Blossoms_in_Pink_on_Blue_SkyAfter reading so many articles about Spring Cleaning, I decided to dig in and figure out why so many people do this.

Having been diagnosed at a very early age with OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) I just always assumed that everyone did it because it was such a wonderful thing to do and that everyone enjoyed it as much as I did. To be truthful, I engaged in Spring Cleaning all year long. I just didn’t get teased when it was spring as everyone else seemed to be on board.


Are You Prepared For An Earthquake?

Nahttp://www.dreamstime.com/royalty-free-stock-image-earthquake-image11182826tural disasters like earthquakes, hurricanes, tornadoes, floods and/or fires, can have disastrous and far reaching effects on our lives. Especially if we are not prepared!

Watching the news and seeing images of people who lost everything, their houses, cars, clothing, family heirlooms and photographs, in the aftermath of a natural disaster, has always made me think about how they were going to put their lives back together.
